“Like, Wow!”
Like Wow! Title Screen on Like Wow! vimeo.com.
I am very blessed to have a husband who loves my artwork. Not only does he love it, but he wants to tell the world about it. Am I a lucky woman, or what!? Craig Comstock is the producer and host of the public access television show Like Wow! which "features people and activities that arouse admiration and gratitude." In his eyes, one of those people is me.
Since he started Like Wow! four years ago, Craig has interviewed over 75 people from the Rogue Valley and beyond, on topics ranging from art to hospice care-giving, veterans to sustainability, and mediation to healthy living. Craig interviewed me twice to discuss my artwork and creative process, and you can watch both episodes: "Patterns in Nature" and "Matter Gone Wild". In "Tell Me a Story" I narrate Giricoccola, an Italian folk tale, with illustrations I created for the RAI TV (Italy's national television station) back in 1970. For "Initiation and Story-Telling with Elias Alexander" Craig used my drawings to illustrate Elias' dramatic tale set in southern Oregon.
Like Wow! airs on Monday nights at 8:00 p.m. on Rogue Valley Public Access Television's Channel 15 (online at www.roguetv.org). In addition (and very conveniently), Like Wow! episodes are available for viewing anytime on Craig's Like Wow! vimeo.com channel. Watch just a few of these shows and I think you will agree with me that he deserves the title "The Bill Moyers of Ashland."
For more information about Like Wow!'s title screen image, see my blog journal The Deep. And for more about my Italian cinema adventures, see my blog journals about the films Sacco and Vanzetti and The Vacation.